But for now,I don't use VTP anymore,that's just becuz I have Vista Ultimate and 7!(There's not point to transform Vista into Vista,right?lol),so what do I use to customize the desktop?
For now,I use "Rainmeter","Rocketdock","Fences" and some nice themes+wallpapers to create a killer desktop for myself.Thx for those articles in lifehacker.com,I discover that lovely rainmeter program....it basically gives you some system meters such as CPU,RAM usage,the partition space left,and many other things.I LOVE USING IT!
What is Rocketdock?Check this video out.
What about Fences?I will be making a video about it,but let's talk about a little bit about it.It's a product from Stardock,the greatest desktop utilities manufacturer,popular products like "Windowblinds" is one of their proud product.Fences is basically a software that allows you to create "boxes" on your desktop,so that you can put all the icons into it for cleaner desktop.It also provide you with teh functions to hide the icons with just double-click!Extremely convenient!
Rainmeter?Maybe I will make a video about it...but trust me,it's gonna be funnier for you to discover this piece of software by yourself.Also download "Enigma Desktop" for your rainmeter,so that you can create your own desktop!
Here is my desktop setup!Enjoi~

For tutorials to create a killer desktop,check my video out: